Our process is divided into three stages which should be followed in numerical order unless you start your plants from seeds grown indoors. In that case, start with Stage 2–Seed Treat.
Every product is formulated for a specific amount to be added
to 16 oz of water for every 100 sq-ft of garden. Measure or
approximate the area (length x width) of your garden, divide by
100 and use that result as the multiplier when measuring out
the right amount of product.
Example for Soil Boost: For a 20’ x 10’ or 200 sq-ft garden;
divide 200 by 100 = 2. So double the base amount of 1 gram
listed on the product package and the 16 oz of water. That’s 2
grams of Soil Boost and 32 oz of water.
Remember: You can add all the products in a stage to this same
32 oz volume of water for each round of application.
To help you keep track of your application schedule during the
Growing Season, we have included a handy tracking chart in
your Genesis Kit.